The world as we know is no longer the same. The pandemic has radically altered much of our lives around the world in both the short and long term. It raised the stakes, accelerating the need for systemic change and radical yet realistic measures to recalibrate social values and provide more sustainable and equitable pathways for the future. The consequences that have unfolded serve as a reminder that efforts to reduce poverty, fight climate change and create an economy that works for all require bold change.

To facilitate the convening power and accelerate conversations during the pandemic, World Humanitarian Forum launched its digital series and continues to progress these conversations in order to break silos and deliver action. Formerly WHF Digital Series, now WHF DIALOGUES are composed of WHFtalks, WHFpodcast and WHFwebinars.


WHF Dialogues provide the top stories from WHF community and stage. From podcasts and compelling discussions, to on-demand programming featuring the world’s most influential voices — follow us to get inspired and immersed in the issues that shape our work and our world.


Go to our YouTube channel for the episodes and subscribe to the channel to get notified on new releases of WHFtalks and WHF Webinars. Follow us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to get access to WHFpodcasts.